Thursday, May 8, 2008

All the States are up!

We have added all the states. Check here for how to become a write-in candidate for President in the United States from Alabama to Wyoming!



  2. Recently an insurance company nearly wind up....

    A bank is nearly bankrupt......

    How it affect you? Did you buy insurance? Did you buy mini note or bonds?

    Who fault?

    They only talk about how bad the crisis will be, but they did not give regulation measures…..

    Now using tax payer money, $700B is used to save finance industry only, how about the industry that you are in.....retail industry, construction industry, manufacturing industry, R&D, electronics, electrical, mechanical, chemical, IT etc.... each industry will be able to enjoy at least $10B.......

    The top management of the Public listed company ( belong to "public" ) salary should be tied a portion of it to the shares price ( IPO or ave 5 years ).... so when the shares price drop, it don't just penalise the investors, but those who don't take care of the company.....If this rule is pass on, without any need of further regulation, all industries ( as long as it is public listed ) will be self regulated......

    Sign a petition to your favourite president candidate and ask for their views to comment on this......If you agree on my point, please let as many people know as possible....

    Media and finance sector are the only two sectors ( hopefully Hacker can also ) which can overcome political incorrect power, so it is time to fine tune to the correct path, so hopefully media can united to report the truth......

  3. Hey just a note to thank you for doing all the research on this -- a great service for all of us considering a write-in candidate.

  4. Write in Vote's
    If you're unhappy with the selection of President candidates write in
    James E Odum Jr
    just to show you do not approve any candidate.

    Check to see which sate this is allowed.

  5. NELSON KEYTON FOR PRESIDENT..TRENDA ANDERSON FOR VICE PRESIDENT..ONE MAN ..ONE WOMAN ..SET TO REMAKE THE WORLD..WE NEED YOUR VOTE !!! CONTACT AT- need registered voters in every state to serve as electors..Wouldn't you really like to be a Presidential Elector and know that your vote actually elected the President and Vice President....We are filing as write in candidates and hoping to get enough pledged votes from every state to get on the ballot...!!!

  6. I'm contacting every Nevada assemblymen and state senator to give us back our WRITE-IN BALLOT by November so we can write in RON PAUL as President. YOU NEED TO DO THE SAME IN YOUR STATE. It's only right. Paul's the only candidate who will save America. A vote for Obama, Romney, Santorum, or Gingrich is a vote for the continued communization of this ONCE-FREE country. All four of those traitors belong to the Council On Foreign Relations, America's shadow government. Visit The John Birch Society - the barometer of what's really Conservative (neocons aren't) - to learn more about the quasi-communistic CFR: In short, the CFR is an organization dedicated subjugating America to the United Nations. But they have to eliminate our Constitution first. Which they've already done in part by ramming through the Detainee Security Act (NDAA) which effectively scrapped the Bill Of Rights, THAT PART OF THE CONSTITUTION THAT MADE AMERICA A FREE COUNTRY. Research it if you don't believe me. REAL CHRISTIANS AND REAL AMERICAN CONSERVATIVES WANT ONLY RON PAUL AS AMERICA'S NEXT PRESIDENT.

    DEAN BERRY MINISTRIES: "When a government outlaws 'terrorism', they're planning something for which 'terrorism' is the only recourse. Obviously."

  7. I agree with Dean Berry. We must make sure that Ron Paul gets elected or we will certainly be allowing ourselves to be led down the path of socialism and communism. It may take some research but we each have to tackle the issue so it is legal in our states to write in RON PAUL on the General Presidential election ballot.

    1. Lady, I hope you wake up before the election 2016, Bernie is not a communist and democratic socialism is a wonderful way of life for the 99% (not rich) and you will see it in action soon because Bernie will win because he gets shit done. They call him "The Amendment King" for that reason. Every amendment was for the people ! Look up his record and you will see it is immaculate and built around service to the public. ALL other candidates want to be "serviced by the public" ! BIG DIFFERENCE . THANKS. #FEELTHEBERN #VETS4BERNIE

    2. Hey, unknown Bernie lover. You are a nutcase and a threat to the United States of America. Go live somewhere else, traitor.

    3. Hey, unknown Bernie lover. You are a nutcase and a threat to the United States of America. Go live somewhere else, traitor.



  10. Florida link is out of date. Gives 2008 filing deadline.

  11. Yes, Florida link is out of date, can someone tell me if we can write-in a candidate for the Presidency?

  12. 8 states allow write ins freely no registration required.

  13. It's an interesting blog and providing very nice information about the candidate of president of USA.
    How To Earn My Vote
